Mini Film Festival at SB Biergarten

Independent mini film festival

We hosted a Mini Film Festival that brought together a group of talented filmmakers and a community of film enthusiasts for an evening of viewing, discussion, and connection.

We were fortunate to have several incredible filmmakers in attendance, each of whom had submitted their work for viewing. The atmosphere was buzzing with anticipation as the crowd gathered, ready to immerse themselves in the world of each film.

As the night unfolded, each filmmaker took the stage to introduce their film. These introductions provided valuable insight into the creative process and the themes explored, setting the stage for the viewing experience

Following the screenings, the floor was opened for discussion. This provided a unique opportunity for everyone present to engage in meaningful dialogue about the films. Some chose to participate in the larger group discussion, creating a rich tapestry of perspectives and interpretations. Others opted for smaller group discussions, fostering deeper connections and allowing for more personal conversations.

Film List

  • Welcome to my twenties - Meredith Rogers
  • A Walk Home - Gabe durst
  • Whalecome to Paradise - Alex Wyndham
  • We are like Waves - Jordyn Romero
  • The Aria and Uncle Dale show - Dale Alen
  • L’amour Invisible - Marina Akhavein
  • Rise up (Rincon Classic 2020) - Maddie Malmsten
  • Pangenie - Nick Vinan

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